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Window cleaning

Kixon's professional window cleaners clean your windows effectively and remove splashes and streaks of dirt. Book now and get the cleanest windows in the neighborhood! You know that thanks to the RUT deduction, you only pay 50% of the labor cost.


Cleaning windows is one of those chores that is often postponed, sometimes so long that it is almost difficult to determine the weather outside the glass. Kixon's professional window cleaner cleans your windows effectively and removes splashes and streaks of dirt.


At Kixon, you always receive safe and secure help from specialist window cleaners.


We provide our services throughout Örebro County, such as Lindesberg, Örebro, Karlskoga, Nora, Kopparberg, Stora Mellösa and the surrounding area to both private individuals and companies.


No window is too difficult. Our window cleaners have high-altitude certificates, so if it concerns tall buildings/windows, we rent a skylift.


Of course, we also clean shop windows. Read more here >>


NEW! Window cleaning and facade washing with ultra-pure water.
For outdoors we have switched to the "Ultrapure water" method, what is so fantastic about this method is that we no longer need a skylift, but we use a carbon fiber extension handle and at the far end there is a soft, specially made brush. You rinse the windows and then wash with a brush and completely without chemicals. When we do not need a skylift or other protective equipment, it also means a lower price for you.
Read more about ultrapure water here >>

About RUT deductions
The service entitles you to a tax deduction. This means that it is a household service (RUT) and that you as a customer only pay 50 percent of the labor cost. The tax deduction is administered by us at Kixon when you receive the invoice, all to make it easy for you. Read more about the RUT deduction here >>

Kixon fönsterputs

*How to calculate the number of windows:


Request window cleaning

Submit a free inquiry. We will get back to you within 24 hours (Monday-Friday). 
Sometimes our answers end up in your junk mail box. Also check there if you haven't received a reply in time. You can also email directly to or call on the phone 0581-660 298.

Fästpunkt 1


Kixon Lindesberg

Bowlinggatan 2

711 34 Lindesberg


Kixon Örebro
Elementvägen 10

702 27 Örebro




We are an Authorized Service Company, which means decent working conditions and a better working environment for our employees

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ID06 Kixon
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