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Dead estate

When a loved one has passed away, grief must take its time. At the same time, there are many things that the relatives have to take care of when a person dies. Emptying and cleaning out the estate is usually one of the things that must be resolved early on. But when the strength is lacking and the grief is too great, what do you do? Contact us at Kixon and we will relieve you of the practicalities.

In order for you to feel safe, Kixon is always registered, fully insured and has a duty of confidentiality.

Kixon helps with the practicalities of estates such as contact with realtors, leaving keys and reading electricity meters. We can arrange help with, for example, going to the landfill with things to be thrown away. 


Kixon Lindesberg

Bowlinggatan 2

711 34 Lindesberg


Kixon Örebro
Elementvägen 10

702 27 Örebro




We are an Authorized Service Company, which means decent working conditions and a better working environment for our employees

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ID06 Kixon
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Vi är medlemmar i Byggnads
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